Sunday, March 6, 2011

Remarkable moments at Ted 2011 #1 Life is Sacred

I like to start with the bottom line. Heart matters.

At Ted I had lunch with Nina Tandon. She works at using electrical stimulation to grow parts of the body. I asked her what part of the body was the hardest to grow. Without hesitation she said the Heart and she then entered a sacred realm of incantations. I tried to follow her. In the end I had no memory of what she said - except the topic was her experience being with a healthy heart ATTACHED to a healthy set of lungs and contrasting that to a heart scared by stress and trauma. I was in the presence of someone who made trips to the altar of life often. She was a high priestess of life saving technology. Not for a second did I doubt her power.

I expect she’ll soon perform miracles if she hasn’t already.

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